The Men's Mental Health Podcast hosted by Philip Briscoe
Nov. 25, 2023

Conquering anxiety: mastering the mind for a balanced life, with Octavian Constantinescu

Conquering anxiety: mastering the mind for a balanced life, with Octavian Constantinescu

In this episode, I welcome back Octavian Constantinescu who last time talked about how he was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. This time, he describes his experience of living with anxiety, which he initially mistook as a normal way of living. Octavian constantly felt a sense of dread and had difficulty sleeping due to worries about work and other aspects of life.  He compared his anxious thoughts to a repetitive GIF, constantly playing in his mind. Octavian felt incompetent and unable to ask for help, which impacted his relationships and job performance.

He finally decided to seek support through therapy and learned techniques to manage his anxiety, such as the ACE method (Acknowledge, Connect, Engage) which uses simple methods to help him stay present and break the cycle of anxious thoughts.

Octavian recommends a book called 'The Happiness Trap' by Russ Harris, and you can also visit Russ’s website where you’ll find lots of useful information on techniques to combat anxiety as well as lots of other free resources.

You can also contact Octavian directly, via LinkedIn